Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Pontiff in Winter

Interesting take on John Paul II from the perspective of a "progressive" Roman Catholic journalist. The book was written prior to the death of JP II, but very much anticipating the coming transition to a new pope. JP II was an amazing figure of the 20th century. He tried to combine the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas with phenomenology. The pope was a follower of the paranormal, and came to believe that he was the fulfillment of prophecy, particularly the secret third prophecy of Fatima.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A Distant Grief

A Distant Grief

By F. Kefa Sempangi

(His dates: ?- , Copyright 1979, Publisher: G/L Publications; Regal Books Division)

(No notation) = Direct Quote, [P] = Paraphrase/Summary, and [Magee] = Magee Observations

[Magee] Introduction

Visited Uganda in 2007 – African Bible College – Spiritual Emphasis Week




1. The Fugitive Woman

2. Stitching: Save a Child

3. Are You Being Broken?

4. Take Us Too!

5. Jolly Joe is Here!

6. Thunder in the Fire

7. You Are Burning Us

8. I Need a Vono Bed

9. Give Us the Gun!

10. Human Sorrow, a Distant Grief?

11. We Are Going to Kill You

12. I Hear Their Screams

13. Return to Amsterdam

14. We No Longer Follow Kefa

15. Standing in the Holy of Holies

16. Only Four Days Ago

17. Our First Tomorrow

Editor’s Postscript

Teaching Notes


Richard Halverson



1. The Fugitive Woman

1962 – Independence

1962-1971 President Milton Obote

Amin “the champion of liberty”

“Welcome home to the freedom country!”

[P] The author began teaching art history at Makerere and met an impoverished woman with three children he had seen in fund-raising posters. People had given, but she received nothing. At first he was angry, but later convicted.

2. Stitching: Save a Child

[P] Dutch foundation provided help for the foundation of a children’s home in Kampala

For every child we were able to accept, twenty were turned away.

Penina (author’s wife): “The humble poor know a deep secret. They give from themselves, not from their surplus. They give from the abundance of their hearts.”

There is a giving to serve others and there is a giving to serve oneself. There is a giving to promote and a giving to dominate. But without love there is only paternalism and self-importance. There is only the giving of surplus, not the giving of special treasures.

3. Are You Being Broken?

1877 – Alexander Mackay – Scottish Presbyterian missionary and trained engineer

October 9, 1885, the first blood of Christian martyrs was shed in Uganda. In less than a year King Mwanga, the Moslem king of Baganda, had killed more than 40 Ugandan believers. Many of those victims were Christian page boys of the Baganda court who had refused to participate in the rites of sodomy.

Every time I met Mondo he would greet me with the threefold challenge:

“Are you repenting?

“Are you walking in the light?

“Are you being broken?”

Together we determined to make Christ the beginning and the end of all our expectations.

“Brothers and sisters, I fear there is too much brokenness here. We are walking too much in the light. We must remember that the devil will not stand for this.” He was silent for a moment. Then he trembled, and he spoke these words, “It is a frightening thing to be a child of God.”

4. Take Us Too!

Okelo was the first of many children to come to the Kijomanyi Home as a result of brutal killings by Amin’s soldiers.

I became convinced that the regime of Idi Amin was not merely tyrannical but demonic.

God taught me my own expendability.

5. Jolly Joe is Here!

[P] The story of Joe Kiwanuka’s conversion

6. Thunder in the Fire

[P] Battle with false gods

7. You Are Burning Us

[P] More battle with false gods

8. I Need a Vono Bed

A religion is true if it works, if it meets all the needs of the people.

9. Give Us the Gun!

[P] The story of a gentle elder who learned to trust God through the horror of an attack by some of Amin’s Nubian assasins

10. Human Sorrow, a Distant Grief?

There is a boundary beyond which human beings cannot comprehend evil in the world. There is a boundary beyond which everything is a senseless chasm. It is here in the nightmare of utter chaos that human feeling dies. It is here where death and terror seem to have full dominion, that even the deepest of human sorrows becomes a distant grief.

11. We Are Going to Kill You

We have not come for a church service. We have come to hear the Word of God! Go rest yourself and come back to preach again!

I do not need to plead my own cause. I am a dead man already. My life is dead and hidden in Christ. It is your lives which are in danger, you are dead in your sins. I will pray to God that after you have killed me, He will spare you from eternal destruction.

In that moment, with death so near, it was not my sermon that gave me courage, or an idea from Scripture. It was Jesus Christ, the living Lord.

12. I Hear Their Screams

Every night I go to bed and I see the faces of the people I have killed – (converted Nubian assassin)

13. Return to Amsterdam

[P] Studies in Amsterdam – urged by friends not to return to Uganda, but went ahead anyway.

14. We No Longer Follow Kefa

[P] In hiding in Uganda but in grave danger

15. Standing in the Holy of Holies

[P] Escape from Uganda after being betrayed to the authorities by one of the elders

16. Only Four Days Ago

[P] Back in Holland after only four days. They were not safe in Kenya because of the Nubian assassins in that country who would capture targeted Uganda refugees and return them to prison and death in Uganda. Example: Jolly Joe – He was not safe in Kenya. The account of His grace-filled but brutal death with Amin himself involved is a story of demonic brutality and Christ-like grace. This is the confrontation of the cross.

17. Our First Tomorrow

[P] Life at Westminster in Philadelphia… the simple idea that tomorrow I will go shopping brought tears to the eyes of a family that had lived only with fear. Yet there was a distance from God that had to be addressed. It was a movement away from the life of a dependant child of God into the posture of a more detached debater examining theological controversies…. So much suffering. Yet God is not detached. He is with us and is working out good purposes.

Editor’s Postscript

[P] At the writing of this book Amin was still in power, and the foundation started from their apartment in Philadelphia was helping Ugandan refugees in Kenya

[Magee] Closing Thoughts:

1. There is an ugly power to evil that is so very shocking and jarring. Why would human beings do the things that they did in Uganda under Amin?

2. It is within such a setting that the power of redemption is also seen.

3. The Lord is not far away from us in our suffering.

4. This world cannot be the end of our story.

5. Our life is not just a forum for Christian debate in a self-justifying insistence to be right. Our pursuit of doctrine needs to be about God and about others, and not about us. I am struck by something I thought about when I was in Uganda: The church in the west needs African ministers who care not only about Western immorality, but also Western heresy. They need to do this not to prove that they are right, but as an act of love toward God and toward the church in the West.

6. There is a detachment in the life of prayer in our world of comfort that is its own demonic problem.

7. The confrontation of the cross in the Christian life under oppression – Demonic brutality and Christ-like grace.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Micah Mandate

The Micah Mandate

By George Grant

(His dates: 1954- , Copyright 1995, 1995, Publisher: Cumberland House)

(No notation) = Direct Quote, [P] = Paraphrase, and [Magee] = Magee Observations

[Magee] Introduction

I am not a Theonomist or a fan of the reconstruction of American government according to Old Testament Law


Introduction: A Fractured World

Part One – An Imbalancing Act

1. From Pillar to Post

2. In, Out, or Of

Part Two – Justice: To Do Right

3. Legal Entanglements

4. Good News vs. Nice News

Part Three – Mercy: To Do Good

5. Living as if People Mattered

6. Oddities and Rarities

Part Four – Humility: To Do Well

7. Our Codependent Love

8. Just Do It

Part Five – The Right Balance

9. Having It All

10. Where the Action Is

Teaching Notes

Introduction: A Fractured World


[P] We need to be heavenly minded so that we will do earthly good.

The best that I can offer you is the tried and true, the old and familiar, the well-trod sod.

Part One – An Imbalancing Act

1. From Pillar to Post


Biblical balance… entails far more than a happy medium between virtue and vice… A well-rounded, wholehearted fully integrated life… It is the singular fruit of incarnational faith.


Micah 6:8 8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

A snapshot of Biblical balance


[P] Context of verse


Justice and righteousness


Mercy and authority


The proper attitude toward the person of God Himself


Thomas Chatterton


2. In, Out, or Of

A good theology will invariably produce a good garden


A worldview is simply a way of viewing the world.

A vision of life and faith that integrates justice, mercy, and humility before God will cover the whole spectrum of heaven and earth


The spiritual revealed and made manifest in the physical


A full-scale assault on the evil and privation of the dominions of darkness



Patrick Henry


Part Two – Justice: To Do Right

3. Legal Entanglements


Smothering influence of partisan ideology everywhere


Legalism abolishes the significance of the cross.


Like legalism, lawless disobedience is heresy.


There must be a basis for truth and justice… The Bible is that standard.

1. Reveals the moral standards of God’s sovereign rule.

2. Convicts us of sin and leads us to Christ

3. Testimony to the nations

4. Blueprint for living

[Magee] This seems more to be a discussion of the purpose of the Law, rather than a purpose of the Word, which may be revealing.


[P] The pagan way of viewing God


Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians




4. Good News vs. Nice News


People can’t be ambivalent about Biblical justice.


Now the assumed basis of American culture and life.


Rampant immorality has begun to significantly erode the stability of our cultural foundations.


That’s what legislation is.

Good and bad matter.


Edwards – Sinners in the hands…


Provokes us to an unflinching demonstration of justice – in both word and deed

Part Three – Mercy: To Do Good

5. Living as if People Mattered


Biblical service is a priestly function of mercy


God cares for the needy. And His people are to do likewise.

Mercy goes far beyond mere politeness.

The balanced Christian life necessarily includes merciful service.


Titus 2:11-14 11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, 12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.


Most of the church’s greatest heroes are those who willingly gave the best of their lives to the less fortunate. Service was their hallmark. Mercy was their emblem.

Acts 6:7 And the word of God continued to increase…


Washington’s submission to authority and especially His orderly resignation of his commission


Where there is mercy there is hope.

Jonathon Edwards: “That religion which God requires, and will accept, does not consist in weak, dull, lifeless wishes, raising us but a little above a state of indifference. God in His Word, greatly insists upon it, that we be in good earnest, fervent in spirit, and our hearts vigorously engaged in mercies.”

6. Oddities and Rarities


There was a time when martyrdom was among the church’s highest callings and greatest honors… But no longer.

E. M. Bounds


The worldliness of the modern church


Daniel was a man of principle…. Daniel understood the nature of his opposition. Compromise would have been fruitless.



Early Christians


The enemies of the gospel often mistake this single-minded dedication to the work at hand as a kind of prideful know-it-all aloofness. That many Christians today make the same mistake is a telling commentary on the modern evangelical mindset.


1. All honorable work is holy.

2. God calls each person to his or her gifts.

3. Work is intended for the benefit of the community.

4. The high ideals of the work ethic can only be attained through Christ’s restoration.




In the center of Bedford England… statue…

The Lord Magistrate of Bedford at Bunyan’s sentencing (1673): “At last we are done with this tinker and his cause. Never more will he plague us: for his name, locked away as surely as he, shall be forgotten, as surely as he.”

A world and life view rooted in the grace of the sovereign God and the uncompromised maturity of diligence in daily work.

Part Four – Humility: To Do Well

7. Our Codependent Love

Cotton Mather


If we fail to come to a full and accurate knowledge of God… then we are not only like to miss God’s purpose and will for our lives, we are likely to make a mess of the world around us as well.




Nebuchadnezzar learned his lesson and changed his heart and his life. What about us?


Richard Baxter: “The proper knowledge and fear of God leads us but to two postures of the spiritual service of worship: corporately in yielding of our praise in the church, and individually in the yielding of our time in the world.”

The balanced Christian life always maintains this two-fold expression of holy knowledge and fear: putting a high priority on the centrality of the church and sanctifying whatever time God grants us.


1. The church renews the minds of fallen men through the teaching and preaching of the Bible.

2. The church readjusts men to genuine life through sacramental worship.

3. The church reforms the lifestyles of men through discipleship.


Our time is not our own.

[Magee] Important idea here of ordering our lives according to the patterns of the New Testament. This point is obscured by the author since He accepts the church seasons as normative without any persuasive biblical basis. I think that the answer from the Scriptures would be a full understanding of the week and the day that would form the appropriate rhythm for the Christian life.




C.S. Lewis: “It was through pride that the devil became the devil: pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.”

While all the world runs from dependency and co-dependency, the knowledge of God beckons us to humbly welcome them both – the former as we fearfully acknowledge God’s sovereign rule and reign in the world and the latter as we yield to the gracious provisions of the church in space and time. Living the balanced Christian life demands both.

8. Just Do It


[Magee] We used to fast until the dinner meal once per week in the years of the life of the church. I am not sure what happened to that practice. Perhaps next year as we start our walk through the Bible and our once a month gatherings we can resume the practice on a monthly basis.


Athanasius prayed five hours each day. Augustine once set aside eighteen months to do nothing but pray.

1. Not a means of self-promotion

2. Habitual

3. Hedged by God’s will



They fasted and prayed.



Part Five – The Right Balance

9. Having It All

The Micah Mandate is peculiarly the domain of the ordinary.


Salt of the earth


James Alexander Bryan (Brother Bryan) Birmingham, AL

10. Where the Action Is

The cure is simply the church adhering to its essential calling. It is found when the elect of God yield to their divine mandate in every aspect and in every detail of their lives.




Titus 3:8-9 8 The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people.

[Magee] Closing Thoughts:

1. The premise of this book is excellent (a look at Micah 6:8 as a snapshot of a biblical way of life). I am very distracted by the exegetical leaps that the author takes to move us in the direction of reconstructionism. I do not believe that the Great Commission sends us off to remake the civil magistrate according to Christian principles.

2. I do think we should give some hard thought to how we are living out these three ideas together: justice, mercy, and humility.

3. The three are interesting… Why are they given together? Justice and mercy make sense. One without the other will be an excess for a creature. To do both is quite a trick. We could easily begin to think too highly of ourselves for achieving such a great goal. Humility is the constant reminder of who we are, and requires us to define justice and mercy from the Word of God, in the presence of God, and by the power of the Spirit of God.

4. Our best bet to live according to Micah 6:8 is to have communion with God in a life of word-sacrament-prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit. A life of that kind of humility before God will surely be expressed in righteousness and mercy.

5. Another way of looking at the life for us is 2 John – with truth, love, and obedience.

6. Stay in the Bible all the time, and you will address all issues that should be addressed.

7. We need to be zealous for good works. Titus 2:11-14

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Myth of the Just Price

The Myth of the Just Price

By Laurence M. Vance

(His dates: ?-?,, Posted on 3/31/2008)

(No notation) = Direct Quote, [P] = Paraphrase, and [Magee] = Magee Observations

[Magee] Introduction

Recommended by Phillip Bresson

An enjoyable read, if you can maintain your cool, and keep a heavenly perspective… :-)


1. The Biblical Concept of Justness

2. The Just Price

3. Interventionism

4. The Biblical Case for Laissez-faire

5. Conclusion

Teaching Notes


The concept of the just price is the basis of a great deal of erroneous economic thought that permeates our supposedly free market, capitalistic society.

Disguised with a euphemism – Medicare is not called socialized medicine…

Not only is any price agreed upon between a willing buyer and a willing seller the just price, that alone is what makes it the just price.

The Bible is our final authority in all matters.

1. The Biblical Concept of Justness

The expression just price is nowhere to be found in the Scriptures.

There is generally no mention of what the items were sold for.

The absence of fraud would be essential for the price of any commodity to be said to be just. But one will search the Scriptures in vain for any other concept of what constitutes a just price.

2. The Just Price

Thomas Aquinas. Born about 1225.

Discusses the concept of the just price in the section in his "Treatise on Prudence and Justice" called "Of Cheating, Which Is Committed in Buying and Selling."

Equated the just price, … with the common market price established by the "common estimation" of buyers and sellers.

Rothbard: "Unfortunately, in discussing the just price, St Thomas stored up great trouble for the future by being vague about what precisely the just price is supposed to be."

Aristotle… equal value in a commercial exchange… revived and employed "as a philosophical justification for the medieval doctrine of the just price." (Baldwin)

Two minority viewpoints

1. Just price was only that beyond labor and expenses that enabled the seller to maintain his social status

2. Just price was the cost of production plus compensation for labor and risk incurred. àMarx

Aquinas:… a number of principles:

* The merchant performs a valuable service

* The merchant can conduct business without sinning

* Buying and selling are to the advantage of both parties

* Misrepresenting the condition of goods in a sale is fraud

* Price is influenced by changes in supply and demand

* Price can vary according to location

* Price can vary according to time

* Price is a function of utility

* The just price is an estimate, and cannot be fixed with mathematical precision

* The just price is the current market price

* Price should represent the true value of goods

It is this last concept that sends Aquinas off course.

3. Interventionism

United States of America:… We see nothing but interventionism,

Mises: "a method for the transformation of capitalism into socialism by a series of successive steps." Here are some examples.


Minimum-wage laws violate freedom of contract.


Since 1894…

The gang of thieves in Congress who accept $2 to $3 million in bribes each congressional election from their sugar daddies in the sugar industry are costing American consumers hundreds of millions of dollars a year through higher prices on not just sugar, but anything made with sugar.


[Magee] – The kind of rhetoric we are regularly exposed to on oil prices makes me ill. If we would just let gas prices be what they should be and stop manipulating them, that would create proper incentives for the development of energy alternatives, and would help us enormously in terms of our foreign policy.


Antidumping laws are not designed to protect the public, they are designed to product domestic producers from foreign competition.


All of the fifty states regulate interest rates in the twenty-first century.

[Magee] some verses here…

ESV Exodus 22:25 "If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.

ESV Deuteronomy 23:19 "You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest.

ESV Nehemiah 5:7 I took counsel with myself, and I brought charges against the nobles and the officials. I said to them, "You are exacting interest, each from his brother." And I held a great assembly against them

ESV Psalm 15:1-5 Who shall dwell on your holy hill?... who does not put out his money at interest

ESV Proverbs 28:8 Whoever multiplies his wealth by interest and profit gathers it for him who is generous to the poor.

ESV Matthew 25:27 Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest.

ESV Luke 19:23 Why then did you not put my money in the bank, and at my coming I might have collected it with interest?']

[Magee] This is not easy to sort out. The last two citations are positive. The others are negative. There may be a difference between profiting from personal loans to someone in trouble, vs. business loans for capital. In any case, I don’t precisely know why this is condemned. It clearly has nothing to do with the specific rate. The condemnation, such as it exists, is for any lending at interest.


I have maintained that, in the absence of fraud — not in the absence of ignorance, laziness, greed, or stupidity — not only is any price agreed upon between a willing buyer and a willing seller the just price, that alone is what makes it the just price. A just price for an item does not exist independently of a transaction between buyer and seller. It is both impossible and immoral for any governmental body to institute, regulate, control, or recommend what is a just price. It is impossible because the state is not omniscient; it is immoral because the state has no authority to intervene in the market.

I will even grant that it might be immoral under certain circumstances to charge a particular price. But that doesn't mean that it should be illegal. Vices are not crimes. Saying that the just price is a moral imperative is one thing, but making it a legal device is something else that opens up the deadly can of worms of government intervention that can never be closed. The separation of market and state is just as important as separation of church and state.

4. The Biblical Case for Laissez-faire

[P] Same economic philosophy for Marx, Keynes, and many Christians!

Christian statists … can neither establish nor confirm their position from the New Testament without reading their conception of social justice back into the Bible, applying to the government admonitions given to individuals, and opaquely misreading the Scriptures through interventionist glasses.


But it is not riches per se that are disparaged in the Bible. Rather, it is trusting in riches, boasting in riches, coveting riches, or obtaining riches unlawfully.

The New Testament admonishes the rich, not to become poor, but to "be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy; that they do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate."

[Magee] communicate=share with others in need

There is no imperative or implication in the New Testament for the state or any individual to seek the redistribution of wealth.


The idea that individuals, let alone the state, should seek to eradicate poverty is never advanced in the Old or New Testaments.


The Bible nowhere condemns mercantile activity as an action or a profession.

ESV Matthew 20:13 But he replied to one of them, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? 14 Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. 15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?'


ESV Ephesians 4:28 Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.


(Acts 2) This is charity, not communism, and as such was purely voluntary.

ESV Acts 5:4 While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? Why is it that you have contrived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God."

5. Conclusion

Laissez-faire is natural, moral, and biblical.

Both parties are better off after an exchange than they were before the exchange.

There is no such thing as market failure.

The only problem with the free market in the United States is that it is not free. Not only is government intervention the rule rather than the exception, even so-called defenders of the free market regularly call for more government oversight.

[Magee] Closing Thoughts:

1. I agree entirely both economically and morally.

2. This kind of stuff (foolish government intervention) is infuriating.

3. We have to be careful not to let such things distract us with anger – Part of living in a particular place and time is facing the economic/moral idiocy of that place and time.

4. Nonetheless, in our role as teachers, we do not want give in to any of this for a minute. To do so would be dishonest.

5. I don’t have a good answer to the biblical prohibitions of lending at interest. It does not appear to have anything to do with the specific rate charged. I think that it had something to do with the oppression of the poor by the powerful, and particularly something to do with duties of charity within the covenant community. A proper application in the New Testament era might be that within the church we should be giving to the poor rather than lending to them at interest.

6. This temptation to unhealthy anger on these topics is serious. Nothing we think about the foolishness of the state role in the economy can be allowed to overturn Romans 13. We cannot get caught up in nasty dialogue that encourages everyone to be enemies of the state. That would be against God’s Word. I don’t agree with what they are doing, and I will use my freedom and my vote accordingly, but I will show respect to governing authorities, even if things get much worse than they are today.

7. We are looking forward to a life beyond scarcity. In the new heavens and the new earth things will be quite different.

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Work of the Pastor

The Work of the Pastor

By William Still

(His dates: ?-?, Addresses first given: 1964-1966, This book first published: 1984)

Rutherford House, 2001

Introduction (Magee)

Recommended by Scott Meadows

Read an article by the same – Word-based ministry

“The bulk of pastoral work is through the ministry of the Word. Only the residue of problems and difficulties remain to be dealt with thereafter.”


1. Feed My Sheep

2. The Pastor Outside the Pulpit

3. Complete and Contemporary

4. Commissioned by God

5. Walking the Tightrope

1. Feed My Sheep




The value of the sheep

Ultimate aim – sacrifice on God’s altar


2 Timothy 4:1-5 ESV I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Teaching and preaching

Evangelism that brings the whole counsel of God


Teaching preaching and powerful prayer

ESV 1 Corinthians 14:24-25 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.

Why do smart people insist that they can’t bring their unconverted friends to this kind of ministry?


The importance of teaching the nucleus of people that you have

You will not turn goats into sheep by pandering to their goatishness.


Pastor, you need to be fed yourself.

Godly character – word needs to become flesh in you


Tell them to eat. Eat it whole. Stop playing with your food.


Holy Spirit as the One Teacher

We need the Spirit in our assemblies

Does the Word of God work for you? If not, what can you do for someone else?


Greatest difficulties may come from evangelistically-minded within church


Preaches through books

Daily Bible reading notes written since 1947


On to other congregations

Fruitfulness into the world


1. Pastor must really know Christ.

2. Pastor must know that God has called him to be an evangelist, pastor, and teacher of the Word.

3. Pastor needs to find his place of calling.

4. Begin to minister to the people at once.

ESV Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.


Set a time and announce that you will be glad to join with any that come.


Quiet persistence

Believing people will start to give more

This becomes a witness to the nominal

A nucleus will appear

The church will take form

Do not be afraid of upset. God is at work and is answering prayers.


Greatest failure is a failure to feed the flock the Word of God


Die every time you bring forth God’s living Word to the people.

Conflict! Cost! Crucifixion!

Our sufficiency is of God.

2. The Pastor Outside the Pulpit


All that many spiritually sick people need is a good, balanced diet and a disciplined spiritual routine.


There are unfortunately those who want to attach themselves to the pastor for some reason, though they do not want the Word itself.

Healthy feeders need the pastor less and less.

You can only help people on the level that they want help.

Jesus allowed people to walk away.

Give people the help that they ask for, if you can, and let them go.

You cannot spend all your time with people who do not want the Word.


Some meddling ministers want to sort everyone out.

God is not so optimistic.

There are some who will die as mixed-up personalities, and they may be true believers.

Most people crack up because they try to do what God never intended them to do.

Ambition drives them on.

I am far more ready now to give up with difficult people than I used to be.


If you are not interested in the problems of sincere ongoing Christians you ought not to be in the work of ministry at all.

Let the Word solve or settle all.


Let them talk. Don’t turn it into another sermon.

Ask all the questions first before giving an answer.


So much of God’s will is just Christian common sense.


Learn how to live and worship together.


Social visiting has to give way to the ministry of the Word, and to people in real need.

Don’t try to do too much or too little.

Count on the presence of the Holy Spirit in every visit.

Be what you are in Christ, no more, no less.

Christ has given you love for your people, you don’t have to show it off.

Take in the situation and don’t force yourself, your readings, your prayers on people.


Prayer, example, and precept in that order are the means of bringing up children and young folk in the faith.

Reality above all things

Tell them they have to come to church if they are serious, and that they to use their critical faculties, and ask if God is really here with these people, what is He saying, is He really speaking with me too…

The pastor is not a spiritual doctor. The Holy Spirit is the doctor.

3. Complete and Contemporary

1. Word of God is eternal and abides forever

2. Word of God is ever contemporary


The whole Bible

We are not only forgiven. We are His.

Your people need the whole Bible. Be convinced of that.


Get right to it and keep going – teaching and preaching through the Bible several times over the course of a ministry

Not a history lesson

[Magee – more and more convinced that my expositions should let the text unfold as it unfolds in all simplicity. This is faster to do and better for everyone than being too clever.]

You do have to let the New Testament help us to understand the Old.

1 Peter 1:10-12 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, 11 inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. 12 It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.


Ever new – must be taught that way

Up to date


Not here to Christianize the state

Our expectation is tribulation, our hope is toleration, not Christianization of the state

Submit to whatever system we happen to be under, not sponsor it or oppose it

Don’t be side-tracked – be the church

Gathering a hidden kingdom in an alien world – always missionary

The world is for the church, not the church for the world


Don’t be a dealer in antiques

The letter kills

Beware of preoccupation with your own sin

Don’t be a humbug


Class-meeting complex


Sabbath day above all else

Some in the evangelistic camp are not saved at all

Do they love American-style hymns or God?

I have found to my bitter cost, that if you take these (hymns) away (with their repetitive choruses which are to be sung with glazed eyes, moronic expression, and slightly swaying movement like primitive tribes people), they hate you like the devil… It is their god… must be smashed.


Just forgiveness and justification – hardly knew that there was a life of sanctification in the soul of the believer which needed to be nurtured by the Word


1. The whole Word

2. Saturated in the living, up to date, grace of God by His Spirit

For the servant of God:

1. Live in instant, tensile experience of the death/resurrection of Christ, and

2. Be dead to all but the mighty purpose of God.

4. Commissioned by God


Need to consider sanctification

Not only a matter of the truth – but the working balance of the truth

Focus since mid 19th century has been bringing people to Christ and very little on building them up in Christ


Evangelical church – a huge nursery

The danger: the who school of Christ will be come one vast kindergarten with overflowing classrooms


Feed the lambs

If we do not feed them with the Word, there will be no harvest of Christian usefulness

All who respond to the Word will offer themselves to God.

Preach the word – 1. Some will grow and move forward, 2. Others will shrink back


Fatten the sheep for the kill – sacrifice

Too many ministers find other things to do


The ethical issue – You are paid to minister the Word to the flock – not all else

We must not leave the Word of God to serve tables – deacons


One of the most injurious practices – affinity groups


Not by the minister going everywhere, but by God thrusting out well fed Christians


Be absolutely sure that God has you there

Don’t be a minister if you can help it


If you are called of God, you are not your own, and you are certainly not your wife’s, nor your children’s, nor even your congregation’s.

Keep close to God.


Dead to sin (obvious) but also to self in all its various and subtle aspects


We must challenge our people to pray for the ministry.

5. Walking the Tightrope


In the world of real people, not of books, yet all that is worth saying to them is in books

Incarnational – One Person – Christ

Don’t cut ourselves off from others are thinking, saying, doing

Some knowledge of the pathway of sin in our time and place


Church is fairly and squarely to blame.

Look at men of courage and the word from the Bible, Noah, Samuel, Paul…

They knew God and His Word, and they knew by the Spirit of God what the Word was for that hour.


How well do you know the sweep of the story of the Bible?


The importance of the Church – building up redeemed humanity for eternity

Might be a small congregation – don’t underestimate the world-wide impact


God’s program for His kingdom vs. our misconception of that program

God pins His hope upon the remnant in every age who live in Messianic hope and power.

Lots of great saints are massing in heaven even now, and they will break out and vindicate the martyrs, and overrun and overflow the whole creation.

No point being saved to starve.


Walking the tightrope of the Spirit of God


Academic, activist experiential,…

We are looking for truth that becomes known in character


1. Know Christ

2 Peter 1:19 19 And we have something more sure, the prophetic word, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts,

2. Be sure of your call

3. Wait for His will

4. Die to yourself

The Word will never come through someone living. You have to die to self.

5. Don’t go it alone


Ever a remnant

Closing Thoughts (Magee):

1. A book to be read and considered by ministers

2. Above all a call to faithful ministry of the Word

3. Tota Scriptura

4. Bible notes for his congregation for so many years

5. Plenty of opposition

6. Death to self is the only way to go.

7. It has taken me 14 years or do to figure out what my ministry is about.

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Better Way

A Better Way

By Michael Horton

(His dates: ?-living, This book first published: 2002)

Baker Books, 2003

Introduction (Magee)

A way of life for us at EPC


Introduction – A Glorious Theater

1. Setting the Stage

Part 1 – Faith Comes by Hearing – The Ministry of the Word

2. A Dramatic Script

3. Casting New Characters

4. How Preaching Works

5. Discovering the Plot

Part 2 – Signs and Seals of the Covenant – The Ministry of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

6. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

7. A Table in the Wilderness

Part 3 – Our Reasonable Service – Getting Involved in the Drama

8. Tasting the Powers of the Age to Come

9. What Should Our Service Look Like?

10. Is Style Neutral?

11. Taking a Break from the Buzz

12. Reaching the Lost Without Losing the Reached

Introduction – A Glorious Theater

Sayers – It is the neglect of dogma that makes for dullness

A better way than vagueness

Sermon as lecture – Worship as lecture +

Big self-help places

Few want to ask: What is worship anyway?

Rich Hurst: In 1970 there were 10 megachurches, today there are over 400

And yet overall church attendance is off 35%

Drama – One of the richest ways of reading the Bible

The drama of the redemptive message

The drama of the redemptive gathering

Acts 2:37-39

The drama of the Reformation – the change to a God-centered worship

Scottish minister PT Forsyth – Our safety is in the deep

1. Setting the Stage

The Covenant Renewal Ceremony

Genesis 15

What can it mean that our worship is a covenant renewal ceremony?

God’s Work and Our Response

Parties to the Covenant of Grace

Are we more fascinated by our response than God’s work?

Hebrews 10:19-25

More than Music


Is there more to music than we realize? Music and dogma… Music and self…

Our Jealous God

Book focuses on ordinary means by which God saves and keeps us – two: word and sacrament

Everything else is for our growth

Part 1 – Faith Comes by Hearing – The Ministry of the Word

2. A Dramatic Script

Life without a plot – a postmodern problem

God brings us into the story – through the faith that comes by hearing

The Logic of Grace: Way of Salvation and Way of Saving

Way of Salvation – Romans 1-8

Way of Saving – Romans 10

Our thirst for what we can see now (idolatry) – and faith, hope , and love

The minister’s talk or God’s talk through the minister that produces new people

God Has Already Made the Message Relevant

The weak things of God despised – the powerful things of the world sought after

Moving away from the Bible…

Moving away from the sacraments…

[Magee – Moving away from corporate prayer…]

3. Casting New Characters

Nowhere Man – Beatles

Recreating the world moment by moment and thereby losing all standards

The Scripted Self

Problem with living like the star of my own made-for-TV movie

Two grand narratives: 1. In Adam, 2. In Christ

1 Peter 1:17-19 17 And if you call on him as Father who judges impartially according to each one's deeds, conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, 18 knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, 19 but with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without blemish or spot.

Be careful not to reduce the drama to our own individual salvation.

The goal is not to have God and the church fit into our existing plot, but to get a new plot from God – God’s plot.

The Gospel According to Whom?

Wit, wisdom, autobiography…

“Practical” sermons that ignore the real drama in the text

He comes to dash our silly hopes and to expose our felt needs as trivial, in order to give us new ones that are far greater, and then to satisfy those beyond our wildest dreams.

4. How Preaching Works

Consider our theology of how salvation works and the import of this to our understanding of how preaching works..

One View “Excitements Sufficient to Induce Repentance”

First Great Awakening – Whitefield, Edwards – God blessing His means

Second Great Awakening – Finney “A revival is not a miracle.” – Man using means that make sense and therefore produce a desired effect.

Why is Preaching Effective?

The promise of God

The Spirit of God

The message of God

2 Corinthians 4:7 7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.

Hebrews 4:12-13 12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13 And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Word and Spirit

Ezekiel 37:1-6 – Prophesy to the bones

John 6:63 63 It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is of no avail. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

Matthew 12:39 39 But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.”

Genuinely Practical Preaching

Justification and Sanctification by faith

Faith has content

Sanctification by law ineffective


Christian thinking and Christian living (Eph 1-3, 4-6)

Romans 1-11, 12-16

Romans 12:1-2 ESV Romans 12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

[Magee – I think that I have spent two much time preaching to the skeptic or the seeker. I think expounding on the privileges of the recipient of grace will be more effective not only for believers, but also for skeptics and seekers. I should take seriously the composition of the assembly as a believing gathering of saints, with just a few others that consciously see themselves as outside of Christ.]

Avoiding Bad “Law” Preaching

Problem is really a bad understanding of the gospel that we are promoting

God the Preacher

Habakkuk 2:20 - 3:1 20 But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him."

5. Discovering the Plot

Luke 24:27 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

The Scarlet Thread

Redemptive-historical method – All Scripture is about Christ

John 5:38-40 38 and you do not have his word abiding in you, for you do not believe the one whom he has sent. 39 You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life.

1 Peter 1:10-12 10 Concerning this salvation, the prophets who prophesied about the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired carefully, 11 inquiring what person or time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glories. 12 It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things that have now been announced to you through those who preached the good news to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look.

The Central Character

How the New Testament Preaches the Old

Hosea 11:1 and Matthew 2:15

1 Corinthians 10:4

Acts throughout

The need for Systematic Theology to govern our interpretations of specific texts

[Magee – The danger of preaching your systematic theology rather than the text]

Redemptive Historical Interpretation

What is John 4:21-23 actually about?


Allegorizing – too subjective


Pet issues

God’s point in God’s story

Suggestions for Christ-Centered Reading and Preaching

1. OT and NT

2. Consider stage of redemptive history in the passage

3. How do I find myself in Christ in this passage?

4. Read and hear the Bible with the church throughout history.

5. Read and hear prayerfully.

Part 2 – Signs and Seals of the Covenant – The Ministry of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

6. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered

Historical importance of Word and sacrament


American Revivalism

What do the Scriptures teach?

Baptism and the Bible

The Old Testament not only promised the Covenant of Grace – signs and seals


Sign: Somewhere between a symbol and the thing signified

Seal: Confidence, Relationship, Consecration

Genesis 15, 17, 22. Col 3:11, 2:11-14, 1:22

Malachi 3:1-3, John 1:17, 1:24-27, 29, 33

John 3

Acts 2

Titus 3:5-7

Galatians 3:27

Hebrews 10:29 – do not count the blood of the covenant a common thing

Practical Questions

Not all Israel is Israel

In defense of infant baptism

8 points

Water Is (or Should Be) Thicker than Blood

Are you baptized? Not – are you from my heritage group?

7. A Table in the Wilderness

Psalm 78:19 19 They spoke against God, saying, "Can God spread a table in the wilderness?

Institution of Passover

Redemption from Egypt

Institution of the Lord’s Supper

The Cross

Fervent Desire of Christ

The Nature of the Supper

Various Views

The Role of the Holy Spirit

The Benefits of the Supper

1 Corinthians 10-11

Taking Advantage of God’s Provision

John 6

Psalm 34:8 taste and see

Part 3 – Our Reasonable Service – Getting Involved in the Drama

8. Tasting the Powers of the Age to Come

Hebrews 6 “enlightened”=baptism, “tasted the heavenly gift”=Lord’s Supper

Eschatology – the powers of the age to come… For what can I hope?

Two Ages

This age and the age to come

Before the ages (pre-history)

Between the exodus and the Promised Land – Already and not yet

Contrasting Eschatologies and Their Implications for Worship:

The Church and the Believer in the Kingdom of God

Over-realized Eschatology (ORE) – post (expecting more of the millennium)

Under-realized Eschatology (URE) – pre (expecting for the tribulation)

Word and Sacrament (WS)

Evangelism and Church Growth

ORE: Triumphalistic

URE: Pessimistic

The Christian Life

ORE: Higher life

URE: Antinomianism

Weekly Worship

ORE: Seeing is believing idolatries

URE: Forgetting about mediation between God and man

WS: He is not here. He is risen!

The Age of the Spirit

The Spirit descended at Pentecost to unite a new humanity around the common fact of redemption, uniting Jew and Gentile in Christ

Walk/live in the Spirit – not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh

[Magee: Eph 5 – filled with Spirit: worship, thanks, submission]

Tasting eternity by faith in worship

9. What Should Our Service Look Like?

Old Testament versus New Testament Worship

The torn curtain in the Temple – something is definitely different

Hebrews 12:18-24

Not all discontinuity

[Magee: See Old, Worship – OT, Inter-Test Synagogue, NT,…]

The Elements

The Invocation – Call to Worship from the Scriptures

God’s Greeting (The Votum) – declaring God’s goodwill to the assembly

The Reading of the Law – conviction of sin

The Confession and Absolution – public declaration that God has forgiven our sins

The Pastoral Prayer

The Preached Word

The Ministry of the Lord Supper

Thanksgiving and Offerings

The Benediction

Concluding Thoughts

Don’t presume that a biblically-based liturgy will be impossible to institute

Acts 2:41-42, 47

10. Is Style Neutral?

People of the book not people of the image

Style Matters

Gravitas – weightiness

Explicit rejection and trivialization

Style and the Character of God

Weighty God – weighty forms of worship

The Role of Tradition

Problem of ignoring tradition and embracing the culture (without recognizing it)

What about the Setting?

The pulpit, the table, and the font

Architectural prominence to Word and Sacrament

Theatre and entertainment message

Does the furniture and its placement indicate that this is God’s stage and not ours?

Music Matters

Traditional versus contemporary labels are not adequate

Organ only? Old hymns that are folksy?

Music and the Logic of Marketing

Age segmentation

Ken Meyers – Popular culture, because of its commercial sensibilities maintains a preference for the upbeat, the informal, the new and interesting.

MTV way of conveying an idea – thin plot – enticing images – Can this work for the Christian faith – plot intensive – image prohibitive

Not age of music but durability should be the issue – Can anyone imagine a given form being around 500 years later? If not, why would we use it?

Triumph of me-centered therapeutic forms.

High culture, folk, and pop

Delayed gratification of form (in literature and music) and emotional depth

Colossians 3:16 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

So Where Now?

No short cut to serious reflection, study, and prayer

Pep talk or sermon – Which is right for a covenant renewal meeting?

Pop jingle or received musical excellence – Which is right for a covenant renewal meeting

11. Taking a Break from the Buzz

No time for Sabbath? We keep on trying the latest spiritual diet plan.

The true, good, beautiful, versus The useful, preferred, stimulating

What’s All the Buzz About?

Not this theology versus that theology, but “Who needs any theology?”

A responsibility to viewers to do the relevant – how does this work in the church?

Reel Time

Stepping into the time that God has set aside for our fellowship with Him

Rest for the Weary

The Sabbath and the Week

Hebrews 4:1-10

Each Lord’s Day is a little Easter

The Very Good Day and the anticipated Very Best Day of Consummation Rest

Structuring Our Sabbath, or Being Structured by It

Because we are weak

Every day is the Lord’s day à No day is the Lord’s day

We Have Time

Heaven: a busy place – just no sin

Start with Sunday in the battle for time

“Home Schooling”: Recovering the Disciplined Art of Catechism

A “big picture” grasp of the whole Bible

Catechesis – an ancient method of learning

12. Reaching the Lost Without Losing the Reached

The problem of unchurching the churched rather than reaching the unchurched

Seekers or Tourists

See Europe in Ten Days

Belief without the commitment of relationship

When Relevance Becomes Irrelevant

Christ and Him crucified versus humanity and it improved

Start preaching to the baptized

Is what the preacher has to say more important and more interesting than what God has to say?

Adam Raccoon at Forever Falls – What you just heard was the gospel…

Practical denial of the sufficiency of Scripture in preaching

Fatalism or Reformation?

Give in to functional illiteracy or challenge cultural accomadation

Back to stained glass windows – just with technology

Is the audience sovereign?

“The data says” versus “Thus says the Lord”

And Now for Something Completely Different

Cutting-edge liturgies? – the unchurched can find better entertainment elsewhere

The centrality of the truth of redemption

The integration of the generations around classic Christian truths and forms

God’s kingdom does not fall and rise according to the demographics of a given generation.

A Few Ideas

1. Daily instruction of the youth

2. Word-centered innovation (example of question and answer box used by Rick Phillips – answering one question before every evening service)

3. Distinguish between covenant renewal ceremony and outreach

4. Radio

5. New attitudes toward the believing community – not beasts of burden for outreach, but precious treasure that God has entrusted to the church’s care

Reaching the Reached

No pain no gain

The importance of elders and deacons for the renewal of the church

The Theology of the Cross

Mark 10:35-45

Cross now, but glory later that comes from the cross

Some insist on glory now, and bring a different theology into the church

Exodus 15:1-2 ESV Exodus 15:1 Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the LORD, saying, "I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea. 2 The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him.

Closing Thoughts (Magee):

1. Worship is a way of life to be lived

2. Far from minimizing the covenant renewal meeting, this is a fount of blessing flowing from Christ

3. Word, Sacrament, and Corporate Prayer

4. Let’s not be ignorant about consumer-oriented popular culture and the forms it produces, largely unsuitable for serving a weighty eternal God. Not everything we sing needs to be 500 years old, but it should be the sort of thing that people might sing for the next 500 years.

5. What is so bad with letting the worship and ministry of the church be driven by Christ speaking through the Scriptures.

6. Let’s remember that we are speaking to the baptized.

7. May we see God build us up in faith, hope, and love, as we truly seek to follow Him.